Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Feb. 22 - The trap bite has carried us through for the past month in one main area of Lake Fork. Word has gotten out and the pressure in this area of lately has been incredible. Even though the quality on a daily basis has been very good, the numbers have fallen off drastically. Fortunately, the water temps are warming and other patterns are starting to come in vogue and other areas of the lake are starting to open up. The pre-spawn fish are moving up and wood will become the best target for the next three months. Bass love to spawn next to stumps and jigs, shaky heads and drop shots will the presentations of choice. Use dark colored plastics on cloudy days and more translucent colors on sunny days.

As far as locations, it's time to start checking the backs of creeks. I have found that the water color in these areas is far better than the mouths of the same creeks. The large females are setting up on secondary points while the bucks are scouting bedding area toward the backs of the creeks. This next couple of months is going to be a blast.